Friday, June 19, 2015

Day Eight: A Breakthrough Story

These blog posts I've written so far have initiated conversations with ladies who are going through an infertility journey, or friends who have walked that road before.  Many of us still feel the sting of miscarriage(s)  or stillbirth that happened recently or years ago.  Recognizing that all of our journies are different is a thought that many of my friends have shared and been able to identify with no matter what their own journey may look like.  I'm reminded of that quite often in even just this one facet of life and death that I have been writing about.  

A friend of mine shared the following story with me.  It really is a beautiful story.  I hope you will click on it and read it.  Then you can follow the link and listen to Amy's song.  It's not a sad song at all, but I boo-hoo every time.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the melody and words in my head, "You are stable through every change that this life can bring" since the first time I heard it.  It's so very true.  I still have so many ups and downs in this devastating loss, but God is the stable Rock.

Love and prayers of blessings on your own journey,


  1. That song is so sweet to my heart! I am so thankful He is stable, even when I was not and am not. Blessings on you and your crew!
